While in Arcos we stumbled upon a major christmas festival. It was a nativity scene with live people at various stations.
Nativity scenes are huge in spain and every city (large and small) has at least one. People get so excited about the display that they will stand in line just to see it.
Here is one that we snapped in Jerez.
Arcos was different. The statues were real people and real animals.
Roman Soldiers: Watch out baby jesus
Its not Christmas without a Christmas Donkey
As far as animals go, they had live goats, sheep, donkeys and horses. This really added to the festival.
Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus: Yes, they used a real baby who was not thrilled about the whole situation.
The last stop was a trip to see the three kings. The three kings day is the major holiday the children look forward. If you recall from your religion classes, the three kings brought gifts to the new Lord Jesus.
If you read a little bit more, the three kings bring game boys, wii's and futbols to little ninos and ninas across spain.
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