Vegetables (mainly stewed peppers) with Goat Cheese lying in a cold tomato soup:
Smoked Salmon with Goat Cheese with a mixed salad and vinegarette dressing:
Filet a beef, pan fried over a hash brown like patato ensemble with two types of sauce (green on the outisde which is a light and a red wine sauce)
Creme Brulee: nothing special here, but I have only seen this on the menu once:
I have saved my last entry for the most interesting and to also to kill everyone's appetites after this mouth watering post:
TAR TAR. It is 100% Raw ground beef. Its the meatloaf BEFORE you put it into the oven. Its served everywhere and it is fantastic. AND YES, I ate it and I dont regret it.
Arent we the cutest.
can we say Salmonella....
I would have liked the raw ground beef
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